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London – Shoreditch


Shoreditch is an inner city district in the historic East End of London in modern East London within the London Borough of Hackney and in parts of London Borough of Tower Hamlets, lying immediately to the north and north east of the City of London.

The districts of Hoxton and Haggerston are part of Shoreditch, but the Shoreditch High Street railway station lies just outside, in the Bethnal Green area of Tower Hamlets.

The etymology of "Shoreditch" is debated. One legend holds that the place was originally named "Shore’s Ditch", after Jane Shore, the mistress of Edward IV, who is supposed to have died or been buried in a ditch in the area. This legend is commemorated today by a large painting, at Haggerston Branch Library, of Jane Shore being retrieved from the ditch, and by a design on glazed tiles in a shop in Shoreditch High Street showing her meeting Edward IV.

However, the area was known as "Soersditch" long before Jane Shore’s life. A more plausible origin for the name is "Sewer Ditch", in reference to a drain or watercourse in what was once a boggy area. It may have referred to the headwaters of the Walbrook, which rose in the Curtain Road area.

In another theory, antiquarian John Weever claimed that the name derived from Sir John de Soerdich, who was lord of the manor during the reign of Edward III (1327–77).

Shoreditch has, since around 1996, become a popular and fashionable part of London. Often conflated with neighbouring Hoxton, the area has been subject to considerable gentrification in the past twenty years, with accompanying rises in land and property prices.

More recently, during the second ‘dot-com’ boom, the both the area and Old Street has become popular with London-based web technology companies who base their head offices around the new tech district East London Tech City. These include Last.fm, Dopplr, Songkick, SocialGO and 7digital. These companies have tended to gravitate towards Old Street Roundabout, giving rise to the term "Silicon Roundabout" to describe the area, as used by Prime Minister David Cameron in a speech in November 2010.

Formerly a predominantly working-class area, Shoreditch and Hoxton have, in recent years, been gentrified by the creative industries and those who work in them. Former industrial buildings have been converted to offices and flats, while Curtain Road and Old Street are notable for their clubs and pubs which offer a variety of venues to rival those of the West End. Art galleries, bars, restaurants, media businesses and the building of the Hackney Community College campus are further features of this transformation.

In fact, the word Shoreditch is now synonymous with the concept of contemporary ‘hipsterfication’ of regenerated urban areas. As a pioneer among similar transformations across the UK, various phrases have been coined, from "Shoreditchification" to "Very Shoreditch".

In September 2015, a demonstration against gentrification in London took the form of a protest at Cereal Killer Cafe, a hipster café on Brick Lane which serves cereal.


Shoreditch ist ein Ortsteil in Hackney im nordöstlichen London. Es ging verwaltungsmäßig gemeinsam mit Hackney und Stoke Newington (Teilen des ehemaligen County of London) 1965 in dem neuen Bezirk Hackney auf.

Shoreditch zählte lange zu den ärmeren Gegenden von London. Es galt seit dem späten 20. Jahrhundert als Trendstadtteil, dessen verfallene Häuser hochwertig saniert wurden und in denen die Londoner Avantgarde aus Design, Kunst und Mode und auch Presse neue Habitate fand. So unterhält die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters dort eine Niederlassung. Die einstmals zwielichtige Kneipenszene wandelte sich zu gepflegten In-Restaurants. Das ehemalige Rathaus wurde zu einem Veranstaltungsort für Fortbildungen, Hochzeiten und Festessen. Shoreditch unterliegt damit einer nahezu abgeschlossenen Gentrifizierung.

Die am nächsten gelegene Station der London Underground ist Old Street; bis zu ihrer Schließung im Juni 2006 lag außerdem die Station Shoreditch im Ortsteil. Shoreditch High Street ist auch der Name eines neu errichteten Bahnhofs der East London Line. Dieser liegt jedoch in Tower Hamlets.


Posted by Michael.Kemper on 2022-12-11 08:42:46

Tagged: , Canon , EOS , 6 , D , 6D , EF , 24-70 , 24 , 70 , f/4 , f , 4 , L , IS , USM , Voyage , Travel , Travelling , Reise , Vacation , Urlaub , GB , Great , Britain , Großbritannien , UK , United , Kingdom , Vereinigtes , Königreich , England , London , Shoreditch , Graffito , Graffiti

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