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London – Crossrail Place


The soundtrack as I shot: Max Manie – Sunday (Klangkarussell Remix) Kids these days think they know house. That’s proper house.

This is the cliche shot of 2015, and I don’t even care – it’s so very cool; I’m proud to live in a city that takes architectural design seriously. Truth be told, I wouldn’t even know about it if it wasn’t for Flickr. Canary Wharf is among my favourite areas of the city, and this just adds to an already very long list of reasons why.

I was cautioned not to use a tripod by security so here’s a rare non-long-exposure. Speaking of rare: I didn’t care for the resulting colour version of this, so I’ve converted it to a simple black and white gradient – something I generally hate doing but in this case feel like it adds to the image. There’s a rant about B&W photographers on the tip of my tongue but hey oh…

5D II + TSE 24L II

Crappy photos here: Instagram

Posted by Edinbruhphotos on 2015-05-27 16:53:25

Tagged: , London , England , UK , United Kingdom , Canon 5DII TSE , 24L , II Landscape Metropolis Canary , Wharf One , Canada , Square HSBC Barclays Citi Citigroup JP , Morgan Southbank Isle , Dogs Financial 2012 , Olympic , Games Crossrail Crossrail , Place Crossrail , Place , Walkway Corridor Walkway Space Star , Trek Star , Wars London , 2012 , Games , Londres , Londinium , Angleterre , Inglaterra , DLR , crossrail , Londen , Λονδίνο , لندن , – , ロンドン , 런던 , 倫敦 , 伦敦 , Londyn , Londoner , Londonist , TimeOut , Capital , tie-fighter , tie , fighter , star wars

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